Home :: Accessories :: Sequal Eclipse 3 Portable Oxygen Concentrator DC Power Supply

Sequal Eclipse 3 Portable Oxygen Concentrator DC Power Supply

Sequal Eclipse 3 Portable Oxygen Concentrator DC Power Supply

This 12V DC Power Supply with Power Cord will allow you to power your Eclipse Oxygen Concentrator from the "cigarette" style sockets found in most vehicles. When using the Eclipse with 12V DC Power the Power Cartridge WILL recharge automatically in the unit. Please note this DC Power Supply will NOT work with the original Eclipse, it is designed eclusively for Eclipse 2 and Eclipse 3 units. HCPCS Insurance Code E1358. SeQual - Part 4142 (Eclipse 2 DC Power Supply with Cord), 5942 (Eclipse 3 DC Power Supply with Cord). Warranty 1-Year.

SKU SKU17545
Weight 3.00 lbs
Market price: $285.00
Our price: $140.00 "Please click here to get discount coupon for this item"
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Customer Reviews

  • Author: Garry D
    I bought it here, but i'm little bit angry bacause today i found it cheaper here: http://topamshop.com

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